Frequently Asked Questions: Eyelash Extensions

1. What are eyelash extensions? Eyelash extensions are synthetic or natural fibers applied individually to your natural lashes. They enhance the length, volume, and curl of your lashes, giving you a more glamorous look.

2. Do eyelash extensions damage natural lashes? When applied by a professional, eyelash extensions should not damage your natural lashes. They are designed to be safe and lightweight. It's crucial to follow aftercare instructions to maintain the health of your natural lashes.

3. How long do eyelash extensions last? Eyelash extensions typically last for 4-6 weeks. To maintain a full look, we recommend touch-up appointments every 2-3 weeks.

4. Can I wear mascara with eyelash extensions? Mascara is generally not recommended with eyelash extensions, as it can clump and damage the extensions. You may find mascara unnecessary due to the enhanced look of your lashes.

5. Do eyelash extensions fall out easily? No, when properly applied, eyelash extensions do not fall out easily. They are securely bonded to your natural lashes. Your extensions may naturally shed as your natural lashes do, but this is not a cause for concern.

6. Are eyelash extensions suitable for everyone? Eyelash extensions are safe for most people. However, those with allergies to adhesive or eye conditions should consult with their lash technician before the application.

7. How long does the application process take? The initial application can take 1.5-2.5 hours. The time will vary depending on the desired style.